Oh boy... this week end has been VERY interesting! Yesterday I went to work. I work at Special Gifts in town since I was 14 and enjoy it, most of the time. Over this summer I didn't work at all, but I got back to working just before school started. So we had to "incidents" yesterday. First- we had this lady walk around the store for a long time, carrying a take out box with a plastic bag over it. I think she bought something eventually- but of course I don't remember. Well, after she left, we realized that she had the garlic smelling take out box in bag for a reason- what ever was in there was oily and had formed puddles everywhere through out the store. The second "incident" came when we had this little girl pick up and move virtually one of EVERYTHING in the front of the store to the back of the store. So, first we had a mini- heart attack when we realized that stuff was missing (we have a problem with shop lifting) and then we just got mad when we saw the little girls stash of stuff in the back. So after work I went home to have some pizza with some of my younger sister's (Martha's) friends, before I went to my friends house to watch The Princess Bride and have some brownies. This morning we all had waffles with coconut and berries, and then when all of my sisters friends left, my mom and Martha ended up going back to bed, while I had a mini- shooting spree! I had to shot an "open roll" of film- which means that we take pics of everything/anything we want, but we also had to take a pic of a letter. We do the "letter" project every year- everyone gets a letter, we all have to take a picture of the letter vertically, and with all of the pics we spell out "p-h-o-t-o-g-r-a-p-h-y. Do I got "g" which sucks- but all well!
I also took some photo's using my mom's video camera, which was fun! I used my mom's painters lamps to use artificial light because the natural light has been a little weird today!
Anyway, my dad and older sister, Katy are coming over for dinner and I still have to do homework, finish the last 4 or 5 shots on my roll of film, and practice cello!
So- see ya later!
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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